Slag of Open-hearth Furnace and Converter Processes Handling Complex 300 tph (Ukraine, 2005)

Customer: OJSC "Mariupol metallurgical combine of a name of Ilyich" Levchenko str., 1, Mariupol, 87504, Ukraine

May 2005

Brief description

Features of the complex

Raw materials: slag of open-hearth furnace and converter processes (partial processing is fabricated)

Capacity: 300 tons per hour.

Term of construction and erection work: ~2.5 months.

General planner: Project department of MMC of a name of Ilyich, Mariupol

Fractionary composure of the finished products:

Fractionary road metal: 0-10 mm, 10-60 mm, 60-250 mm

Metal: 0-10 mm, 10-60 mm, 60-250 mm, 250+

Firebrick gritting, nonmagnetic metal

Later less than a half year, a complex, which established by company AMCOM LLC at  "Azovstal" Iron and Steel Works, it has proved the solvency and economic feasibility. In December 2004 the contract on delivery of a complex on processing metallurgical slag with Ilyich Iron and Steel Works is concluded.

The scheme of technological process - identical. Changes only directions of conveyors, because of specificity of areas available under construction.

In February, 2005 there are begun deliveries of the equipment to Mariupol for combine of a name of Ilyich. In March there is begun installation of a complex.

On May, 07th, 2005 solemn opening a complex on processing metallurgical slag at the Mariupol metallurgical combine of a name of Ilyich took place.

Territorial separation slag ММC a name of Ilyich, and lack of raw material for metallurgical manufacture, dictate necessity of installation of one more complex with the same productivity.

In May, 2005 the decision on construction of the second turn of a complex on processing metallurgical slag on a beam "Gorkovataya" (slag mountains of ММC a name of Ilyich) is accepted.

Summer of 2005 - manufacturing of the equipment for the second turn of a complex.The Scheme of the location of the technological equipment similar first complex.

Work second complex began At December 2005 on conversion of the slag on mouldboard ММC a name of Ilyich.
